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La an cdota dialoga con el acto de traducci n
La anécdota dialoga con el acto de traducción que Mier y Rodríguez realizan de la novela de Chateaubriand y, de hecho, pueden pensarse, gracias a la disposición que Mier les da en el mismo capítulo de su escrito, como actos análogos que implican la toma de posesión y desviación de la voz del extranj
Notably it is also reported that
Notably, it is also reported that changes in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, HSL activity, and cAMP accumulation in WAT and BAT after ethanol exposure differ depending on the dose and route of ethanol exposure and tissue type. Moreover, a recent study also found that chronic feeding plus alcohol
It means an opportunity As we concern ourselves with the
It means an opportunity. As we concern ourselves with the prominence of health in the new agenda, it\'s easy to forget that (human) development is by definition people-centred, and that living a long, healthy, and creative life is its cornerstone. The expansion of the new goals to encompass many (if
Whole body CT only showed
Whole-body CT only showed mild splenomegaly (14cm) and an enlarged iliac lymph node (1.5×3cm). Cranial MR yielded no specific findings. In the meantime, the patient was given Rituximab. He received 375mg/m2 of Rituximab per week, but after the third dose the patient rapidly developed shock and abdo
The patient underwent surgery on December A cm
The patient underwent surgery on December 2, 2013. A 13 × 13 cm elastic lobulated yellowish tumor, arising from the upper jejunum with suspected local invasion into the transverse colon and mesentery, was detected intraoperatively. Thus, small bowel segmental resection and left hemicolectomy were pe
bradykinin receptor Current ASCO recommendations suggest ini
Current ASCO recommendations suggest initiating bisphosphonate therapy in myeloma when there is evidence of bone involvement [124]. The optimal duration and frequency of bisphosphonate therapy for myeloma are not well understood and are currently being studied. All randomized, placebo-controlled tri
venlafaxine hcl La ignorancia que evidencia Xa Am rica po ti
La ignorancia que evidencia Xa. América poética respecto de los literatos mexicanos corrobora la falta de proximidad entre zonas tan distantes del orbe hispanoamericano. Al mismo tiempo comprueba el vacío biográfico que en este punto muestran las revistas mexicanas o, más exactamente, El Recreo de l
br Bile acids as therapeutic agents br
Bile acids as therapeutic agents Conclusion Bile acids are important physiological agents for nutrient pi3k inhibitor and integrators of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism control. Bile acid synthesis is tightly regulated to maintain metabolic homeostasis and prevent accumulation of highly
Parte de las idas y
Parte de las idas y vueltas tenían que ver con la negociación de un convenio sobre cooperación científico-técnica (suscrito el 27 de agosto de 1980), de uno financiero por un préstamo de 30 millones de dólares (firmado entre el 19 y el 24 de noviembre de 1980 entre el Banco Central argentino y el Ba
Nos anos de alguns setores da Igreja
Nos anos de 1970 alguns setores da Igreja católica iniciaram uma nova etapa na ligação da instituição com as elites e a política. Outrora a Igreja era parte integrante desse arranjo, neste período se converteu em contestadora da acumulação financeira, das desigualdades, do latifúndio e da autoridade
While it has been reported
While it has been reported that the combination therapy of As2O3 and ATRA is highly effective not only as the front-line treatment [6], but also in relapsed and treatment-refractory APL patients [7], showing fewer adverse events than the combination of ATRA and chemotherapeutic drugs, the efficacy a
br Conclusion br Introduction Multiple myeloma
Conclusion Introduction Multiple myeloma is a malignant plasma cell disorder, comprising approximately 10% of all haematological malignancies, and its incidence is increasing [1]. The pathogenesis is complex, culminating in malignant transformation of clonal plasma cells. The aetiology is not
Eastern European countries have undergone many socioeconomic
Eastern European countries have undergone many socioeconomic changes in the past two decades. In particular, in Russia, alcohol was strongly associated with adult mortality. More than half of deaths in Russian men are attributable to cardiovascular disease, with hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia,
br We value the efforts of Akram Ahmad and
We value the efforts of Akram Ahmad and colleagues (August, 2016) in highlighting an important issue related to the regulation of antibiotic fixed-dose combination drugs (FDCs) in India. Moreover, we agree with Ahmad and colleagues that actions taken by the Indian Government to ban irrational FDCs
Evidence based interventions that are theory driven
Evidence based interventions that are theory driven and accessible within the local culture are do-able and do not need to rely on imported interventions—especially when those are costly. Many bereaved children and youth reside in the phospholipase a2 inhibitor and have little recourse to good psyc
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