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diluting solutions Seg n Buitrago en Centroam rica prevaleci
Según Buitrago, en Centroamérica prevaleció o fue determinante el último componente de la dsn proveniente de Estados Unidos. Es muy factible que quienes afirman que “la adopción y adaptación de la dsn en Guatemala anticiparon las de otros países de América Latina” aludan diluting solutions esa omnip
La cr tica realizada al ccpor las diferentes comisiones
La crítica realizada al ccpor las diferentes comisiones develó la verticalidad en la toma de decisiones políticas, las cuales se agudizaban cuando se realizaban acciones militares, lo que ocasionó constantes fricciones y sanciones sglt-2 algunos miembros de la Comisión Militar o de las diversas regi
Nos anos de alguns setores
Nos anos de 1970 alguns setores da Igreja católica iniciaram uma nova etapa na ligação da instituição com as elites e a política. Outrora a Igreja era parte integrante desse arranjo, neste período se converteu em contestadora da acumulação financeira, das desigualdades, do latifúndio e da autoridade
En otra rbita George Y
En otra órbita, George Yúdice establece una doble genealogía refiriéndose al testimonio que se realiza apexbio calculator partir de la información que proporciona un sujeto subalterno a un escritor o a un intelectual. Yúdice se refiere aquí a la pedagogía de los oprimidos de Paulo Freire y a la Teo
Findings children from households were enrolled either at ba
Findings 5254 children from 3376 households were enrolled either at baseline or during the trial period. Mean 20-h kitchen concentration of PM2.5was reduced from 1386 μg/m3 to 930 μg/m3 There was a strong secular decline in the incidence of ALRI over the period of the study. The intervention was ass
br Acknowledgments We thank all the ultramarathon runners
Acknowledgments We thank all the ultramarathon runners who participated in this study and all the doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians who provided professional care at the ultramarathon race. We also thank our colleagues at Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan and the Chinese Taipei
A previous study from our group demonstrated that
A previous study from our group demonstrated that the truncated form of OPG (1-194) has greater activity than the complete form, given that proteoglycans present in the bone tumor microenvironment may bind to full length OPG, thereby limiting its bioavailability and bioactivity [31]. Therefore the t
PD 0332991 Pellicer alude a esta leyenda
Pellicer alude PD 0332991 esta leyenda varias veces en “Oda a Cuauhtémoc”, con imágenes que sugieren la batalla con un astro, la estrella de la aurora de Quetzalcóatl, que en el poema representa un destino fatal: “El arco negro se tendió ante la aurora / y en el último astro fue a clavarse la flecha
The need for better measurement
The need for better measurement of gender empowerment cannot be understated, given that 80% of indicators to monitor SDG5 lack adequate data, often because of an absence of valid measures. Although measures of gender empowerment are available, and more are being developed, there is no consensus on
HG-9-91-01 Supplier br Implementation of a programme called
Implementation of a programme called the , the key component of the UNICEF/WHO Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) increases exclusive breastfeeding at 3 months, any breastfeeding at 12 months, and reduces diarrhoeal disease. These outcomes were shown in a cluster-randomised study of 31 hospi
O Contrato de Gest o na percep o de Pahim
O Contrato de Gestão, na percepção de Pahim, constitui um instrumento importante como mecanismo que explicita necessidades específicas de serviços por parte daquele que deve planejar cetrimonium bromide oferta de assistência à saúde, no caso a secretaria estadual ou mesmo municipal. Mas a autora res
For many decades scientists have warned that human activity
For many decades, scientists have warned that human activity is pushing life on our planet beyond the point of no return. In the Earth\'s history there have been five mass extinction events, most recently the Cretaceous–Tertiary mass extinction that occurred almost 65 million years ago and was thoug
Patients with heart failure are at a high risk
Patients with heart failure are at a high risk of mortality and morbidity. Medical expenses associated with heart failure are increasing, and approaches aimed at early heart failure detection and reduction of the hospitalization rate are yet to be developed. Patients with CIEDs also develop heart fa
Changing the pacemaker mode to VDD is a
Changing the pacemaker mode to VDD is a good approach in cases of normal sinus node function and loss of atrial lead capture, especially if atrial sensing is stable. In this case, Short AV delay is a good way to reduce the risk of R on T phenomenon which is theoretically possible if a ventricular ec
El juego de las apariencias y la obtenci
El juego de las apariencias y la obtención de un estatus no son privativos de los consumidores del arte en este texto: coleccionistas, guías de museo o críticos improvisados. El cuento “Borges y el ultraísmo”, también del libro Amores de segunda mano (1991), ubicará la discusión directamente en los
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