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There are important methodological issues affecting the stud
There are important methodological issues affecting the study of child mortality inequalities on the basis of survey data. McKinnon and colleagues relied on rigorous analytical tools to study these changes, and in some aspects—for example the graphical display of the statistical significance of chan
As Becerra Posada writes attention must be given to
As Becerra-Posada writes, attention must be given to the development of capacities and structures for taking health into account in all policies. But should the public health abacavir also give attention to raising the standing of health on the political agenda and to helping induce political solut
purchase Biotin-tyramide Pero en los a os noventa como
Pero en los años noventa, como refere Brito, al inventariarse los resultados de la estrategia de desarrollo y de las reformas adelantadas en la década anterior, es decir ante una revisión “crítica” del “Consenso de Washington”, fue evidente que los costos en términos de inequidad y dualización socia
br INTRODUCCI N Con la incorporaci n de los derechos
INTRODUCCIÓN Con la incorporación de los derechos colectivos de los pueblos indígenas en la normatividad internacional de los derechos humanos, se inicia una nueva etapa en la conflictiva relación entre las bases fundacionales del poder político moderno y la diversidad cultural, en tanto aquellas
br Panels A to D show intracardiac
Panels A to D show intracardiac recordings of the HRA extrastimuli with A1A2 intervals of 320−290ms at a basic CL of 600ms. The AV conduction intervals were increased gradually rather than suddenly, so that an Ae with an A2–V2–Ae sequence could be provoked only at 310ms and 300ms, followed by no A
Apart from their association with severe
Apart from their association with severe pain and reduced quality of life, SREs require substantial healthcare resource utilization (HRU) in their treatment and management. Previous retrospective studies have attempted to quantify various aspects of the burden of SREs across specific tumor types/cou
We agree that this method is
We agree that this method is an appropriate way to assess whether Buruli ulcer is over-represented in children, but this issue was not central to our study. We also felt that the introduction of external data, the quality of which we cannot assess and which might not be relevant to areas where Burul
Por ltimo una divergencia crucial
Por último, una divergencia crucial entre los bestiarios y las historias naturales está en la característica glosa alegórica que condujo la lectura moral de la I-BET-762 cost en el Bestiario; en la historia natural primó una lectura literal o “histórica” que se finca en la experiencia de los sentido
br Material and methods Patients who underwent a first ever
Material and methods Patients who underwent a first-ever RF catheter ablation procedure for AF and were evaluated by CMR pre-, up to 48h after, and 3 months post procedure were included in this ryanodine study. Consent for participation was obtained from each patient. Ethics approval was obtaine
br Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is the
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most clinically prevalent tachyarrhythmia [1,2]. AF is a potential risk factor for stroke, and AF-associated strokes are often severe, resulting in disability or death [3–6]. Anticoagulant therapy with the vitamin K antagonist warfarin reduces the risk
br Conflict of interest br Case presentation A
Conflict of interest Case presentation A 41-year-old man with a history of palpitations refractory to multiple antiarrhythmic agents for several weeks was referred to our department. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) demonstrated incessant narrow QRS complex tachycardia (cycle length of 580ms)
Sor Juana cuyo genio era para Vigil indudablemente antimonac
Sor Juana, cuyo genio era para Vigil indudablemente “antimonacal” —recordemos que estamos en pleno periodo posterior fbpase las leyes de desamortización de los bienes eclesiásticos— tuvo que tomar una decisión “dictada por las exigencias de su sociedad”, por ello, continúa Vigil, si hubiese nacido “
As la historia a la vez ejemplar e
Así, la historia, a la vez ejemplar e ilustrativa, es un elemento aglutinador de la identidad del pueblo mexicano pues conforma la narración unificadora necesaria para fusionar, en una identidad única, a la sociedad mexicana. Por ello, para Vigil, la enseñanza de la historia convertiría “a los habit
WHO estimates that of people with tuberculosis are untreated
WHO estimates that 30–50% of people with tuberculosis are untreated, in part because of underdiagnosis. Patients with undiagnosed (or diagnosed and untreated) tuberculosis are most likely to transmit infection, so strategies to reduce disease burden should focus on improving the pathway to care for
br Commentary The concept of entrainment mapping for ablatio
Commentary The concept of entrainment mapping for ablation of VT is that targeting the site will interrupt the reentrant VT circuit. This site must be located, not only within the circuit, but also in a protected and relatively narrow isthmus. During entrainment mapping, the QRS morphology, S-QRS
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